Welcome to Zhenhua Huang’s Personal Website
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Email: h.zhenhua.scut@qq.com
Welcome to my website. I was a joint Ph.D. from the South China University of Technology and the University of California, Irvine. Supervised by Sharad Mehrotra (IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow) and Xiaohui Xie (Top AI Scientist). I am an assistant professor at Anhui University (211 Project & Double-first Class University). I am also a PostDoc and associate researcher at the University of Science and Technology of China and Data Space Research Institute of the Data Space Research Institute of the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (Cooperate with Linyuan Lv). I also working closely with Junfeng Fang, USTC Ph.D and NUS PostDoc. from Wang Xiang and He XiangNan. His interests include complex networks, network embedding, and graph neural networks. He has published papers in ICDE, AAAI, WWW, DASFAA, Physica A, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Science China Information Sciences, etc I served as a reviewer for many journals include Journal of Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Knowledge Based System, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,Knowledge and Information Systems, Neural Processing Letters,Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Mathematics. I also served as a session chair for the top conference at ICDE 2024 and served as a reviewer for the top NLP conference ACL 2024 and top Data Mining conference WWW 2025.
- A Comprehensive Security Evaluation Framework for Chinese Large Language Models. Yuli Yang, Zhenhua Huang*, Zhaohong Jia and Junfeng Fang. Accepted by WWW Workshop 2025 (CCF A, core rank A*)
- SEHG: Bridging Interpretability and Prediction in Self-Explainable Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks. Zhenhua Huang, Wenhao Zhou, YuFeng Li, Xiuyang Wu, Chengpei Xu, Junfeng Fang, Zhaohong Jia, Linyuan Lü, Feng Xia. Accepted by WWW 2025 (CCF A, core rank A*)
- SES: Bridging the Gap Between Explainability and Prediction of Graph Neural Networks Zhenhua Huang, Kunhao Li, Shaojie Wang, Zhaohong Jia, Wentao Zhu, Sharad Mehrotra. accept by ICDE 2024 (CCF A, core rank A*) codespdf
- A Multi-Granular Joint Tracing Transformer for Video-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation. Yingying Hou, Zhenhua Huang*, Wentao Zhu. Signal Image and Video Processing (JCR Q2). pdf
- Graph Structure Prompt Learning: A Novel Methodology to Improve Performance of Graph Neural Networks Zhenhua Huang, Kunhao Lia, Shaojie Wang, Zhaohong Jia, Wentao Zhu. Applied Intelligence. codes
- Graph Relearn Network: Improving Stability and Prediction Accuracy of Graph Neural Networks. Zhenhua Huang, Kunhao Lia, Yihang Jiang, Zhaohong Jia, Linyuan Lv, Yunjie Ma. Knowledge Based System. 2024 pdf codes
- SGCN: A Scalable Graph Convolutional Network with Graph-Shaped Kernels and Multi-Channels Zhenhua Huang, Wehao Zhou, Kunhao Li, Zhaohong Jia. Knowledge Based System. 2023 pdf
- RAHG: A Role-Aware Hypergraph Neural Network for Node Classification in Graphs Kunhao Li, Zhenhua Huang, Zhaohong Jia. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 2023 pdf codes
- SRACas: A Social Role-Aware Graph Neural Network-Based Model for Popularity Prediction of Information Cascades. Zhenhua Huang, Yuhang He, Shaojie Wang, Zhenyu Wang, Ruifeng Xu, Sharad Mehrotra. Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2023, CCF B, core rank A) pdf
- Emotion-sensitive deep dyna-Q learning for task-completion dialogue policy learning. Rui Zhang, Zhenyu Wang, Mengdan Zheng, Yangyang Zhao, Zhenhua Huang. Neurocomputing. 459, 122-130. 2022
- Visualizing complex networks by leveraging community structures. Zhenhua Huang, Junxian Wu, Wentao Zhu, Zhenyu Wang, Sharad Mehrotra, Yangyang Zhao. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 565, 125506 pdf codes for java
- Predicting emotion reactions for human–computer conversation: A variational approach. Rui Zhang, Zhenyu Wang, Zhenhua Huang, Li Li, Mengdan Zheng. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 51 (4), 279-287
- Automatic Curriculum Learning With Over-repetition Penalty for Dialogue Policy Learning. Yangyang Zhao, Zhenyu Wang, Zhenhua Huang. Proceedings of the AAAI 2021 (CCF A, core rank A*)
- Learning bi-directional social influence in information cascades using graph sequence attention networks. Zhenhua Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Rui Zhang, Yangyang Zhao, Fadong Zheng. Proceedings of the Web Conference 2020. 19-21 (Poster) (CCF A, core rank A*)
- Analysis of COVID-19 spread characteristics and infection numbers based on large-scale structured case data. Zhenhua Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Li Jiang, Rui Zhang, Chang Lei, Xingwei Liu, Xiaohui Xie. Scientia Sinica Informationis, 1882-1902 (CCF A)
- Network2Vec: Learning node representation based on space mapping in networks. Zhenhua Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Rui Zhang, Yangyang Zhao, Xiaohui Xie, Sharad Mehrotra. 2019 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 727-734
- Prediction of cascade structure and outbreaks recurrence in microblogs. Zhenhua Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Yinghui Zhu, Chengqi Yi, Tingxuan Su. Social Media Processing: 6th National Conference, SMP 2017, Beijing, China
- Detecting overlapping and hierarchical communities in complex network based on maximal cliques. Zhenhua Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Zhiwei Zhang. Social Media Processing: 4th National Conference, SMP 2015, Guangzhou, China
Ph.D. in South China University of Technology & University of California Irvine
Bachelor's in Software Engineering, South China University of Technology
Personal Awards
- National Artificial Intelligence Competition, Second Prize
- Internet+ Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Third Prize
- Jinghua Cup Guangdong University ACM-ICPC Programming Competition, Second Prize
- National Scholarships for Doctoral Students
Advising Awards
- Anhui Province Blue Bridge Cup Programming Competition, First Prize
- American Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Honorable mention
- National Algorithm Competition, Second Prize